First Day in a Guy’s World

The first day of any job is something new and always sprinkled with a bit of mildly-terrified “what am I doing” moments. My first day as a marketing and event intern at a tech company was far from ordinary. It was different than my first internship at the food bank, as a summer painter and…

Work Environment Crisis

You walk into your first job thrilled you won’t be living off your parents this summer. Now that you have the job how do you make the most of the work environment you got yourself into? The first week I went to the cafeteria my first time and while checking out, I stopped in line. I…

Time to Catch up

I found out I was interested in technology and science and math what feels like too late. So what do I do now to play the dreaded catch up game and ride the furious learning curve? The phrase “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” has never been a true statement… which means its never…

Super STEM Role Models

There was never someone cheering me on as I coded for the first time. I get discouraged easily in STEM classes in school. They are challenging courses. I believe that if I was given the right motivation or had a mentor in STEM I would have been more actively engaged in my STEM classes and possibly even…