Time to Catch up

I found out I was interested in technology and science and math what feels like too late. So what do I do now to play the dreaded catch up game and ride the furious learning curve?

The phrase “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” has never been a true statement… which means its never too late to learn about something that interests you. It is not too late, but how do you go about starting?

Life is a continuous road of learning new things to further expand your horizon.

For me, I want to learn more about computers, coding languages and technologies. Beginning is the hardest part.

3 Easy Ways to Get Started:

  • Ask lots of questions: When you have knowledgeable people around you don’t be hesitant to ask what words mean or how something works. You have to start somewhere. Remember that they started there at one point too!
  • Get involved in a group: Becoming a part of a group is a great way to network, as well as to come together with others who want to learn.
  • Take classes online: Taking classes is a great tool for you and sometimes free online! Maybe you will even be able to teach your coworkers a thing or two.

How would you suggest to other’s how to play the catch up game? Did you have your own tricks? These are mine, but I would love to hear from you if you have a similar story.

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